Monday, May 7, 2007

Second Trimester Already?

Today is the first day of my second trimester. I am 13 weeks pregnant. I think the reason it has flown by for me is because of what I was expecting. You would think that I would know better than to anticipate anything since my first 2 pregnancies were so different. With Ella, I didn't ever feel pregnant. Not a lick of nausea, don't remember being tired.... With Sadie I can remember punching in the code on the door of the bathroom as fast as I could to avoid puking on a patient. I never did throw up, but spent 3 months feeling like I was about to.

Now, emotional symptoms are another story. I have become a bitch on wheels. Everything annoys me! But...then I get extreme guilt about how annoyed I get. Prime example, "Mama?" "yes?" "mama?" "yes?" "mama?" "WHAT?!?!" Why does she have to say it 3 GD times when I have already said "yes?". Then I look at my sweet baby girl who just had an innocent, curious question and I nearly (sometimes really) break down in tears. Endorphins help a small amount.

I could definitely be doing more, but I am proud to say that I am still running. I go out for 45-60 minutes and run for 1/4-1/2 mile and then alternate walking. I feel like it is a good compromise for getting my heart rate up high, but not for too long. I also squeeze in some lunges and feel good afterwards. When I get to the gym 1-2 days per week I do cardio and a few weights.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

More Tears...but of joy

I don't know if the hormones are kicking in or if one-on-one time with my girls is just what the doctor ordered. I keep finding myself welling up just watching Ella and Sadie. They are happy tears. Most recently was when we dropped Ella off at school and she gave Sadie her hug as she does every day. But this time I watched and they both looked so delighted that the other was giving THEM a hug. It created an energy that made Sadie kick her feet, made both of them smile and made me cry.

Monday, April 16, 2007

I Almost Cried Over Spilt Milk

Well, I spilled it twice, so now I can cry-right?

Mike left for a 5 day business trip to California today and the girls and I got up at 430am to take him. Then we managed to oversleep and I was rushing to get Ella to school for the end of reading. The house is a mess, I am stuffing my face because otherwise I will probably vomit. I am also holding Sadie, making Ella's breakfast, Sadie's breakfast and Ella's lunch. And I am a sad, pathetic pregnant single mom. In effort to poor milk into a cereal bowl, I completely miss and poor it over the counter. Of course I didn't cry about it! I showed it to Ella, we laughed and I wiped it up with a sponge.

Jump to an hour later when Sadie and I got back from dropping Ella at school. I'm rushing again because Ella forgot her backpack, so I need to get it to her within 45 minutes when lunch starts. This time Sadie's crying because she wants milk, but my hands are free. I poured Sadie's full bottle of soy milk and heated it for 35 seconds in the microwave. Then I transferred it to the counter to screw on the nipple. Instead of placing it on the counter, I poured it all over the counter. This was about 5 times the amount of milk than last time so I screamed, "FUCK". Sadie laughed.

I totally understand why one would cry over spilt Milk. It took 6-7 sponge wipes. Since we are not a paper towel family, the alternative would be a towel that would sit and rot with nasty, spoiled milk until I washed it. Doing a whole load of laundry just because I spilled milk? Definitely worth crying over.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Mike says I don't look pregnant

Knock on a lot of wood, but I am not tired or nauseous or prenant feeling. I have even been running a little bit (5 minute intervals). I hope hope hope this is because I am actually almost in the 2nd trimester. I can't believe it. I remember loving the 2nd trimester so I hope this holds true for my third. I looked it up and this is the period when the embryo develops into the fetus. It all seems so much more real now.

I think I caught someone glancing at my belly! It brightened my day. I do not know why. It's just so exciting to have a baby in you. It was a mom at Ella's school and I was wearing a sundress. She may even have been tipped off by Ele's mom, who I have told. Ha ha-let them wonder.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

November 12, 2007

It's funny how all ultrasound pictures look the same until you get one of the little munchkin inside of you. How does a fuzzy black and gray blob nearly bring tears to my eyes? But I saw it wiggle on the screen! And it has little hands and a little baby heartbeat! And everything looks healthy! What a strong, smart little fetus! Is it a fetus yet or an embryo? Since it was a bit more developed this time, the doctor was able to esitmate a due date of November 12. Sounds like a good birthday to me. Today I am nine weeks, 3 days pregnant. Less than 3 weeks until my second trimester. That is wierd to to think about.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

I Hope I Had the Flu

I was out of commission for 2 days. I never threw up, but I was sick. I have been nauseous for a week-but not like this. I could hardly stand because my stomach hurt so much. I called in sick on Thursday night and they were NOT happy. If I had gone it, I would have had to come home. Poor Mike made a dinner that, even through my nausea, I could tell smelled delicious. and shrimp are not a good mix with a queasy, preggo girl. I was SO lucky that on Friday Sadie was scheduled for daycare, so I was able to just chill. Plus I vacuumed and mopped which I have been wanting to do for a week. I stocked up on sour patch kids which are supposed to curb morning sickness. They passed the first test in Walgreens. I walked down the tobacco aisle and got a big whiff of all the cigars and had to run for the door. I still never vomited, but I sure thought I was going to. I popped a sour patch kid and went back in. Coincidence? Perhaps.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Going to be a House

I need to check my eating habits. I now understand why so much of America is obese and why mothers gain so much weight after having children. When you are sleep deprived, overworked, haven't showered or worked out in days, and have 2 sick is a much better option than planning a healthy meal, chopping veggies and dirtying pots. Obviously, you need to order the cinnimon bread for dessert since cinnimon has been a universal craving in all 3 pregnancies.