Monday, April 16, 2007

I Almost Cried Over Spilt Milk

Well, I spilled it twice, so now I can cry-right?

Mike left for a 5 day business trip to California today and the girls and I got up at 430am to take him. Then we managed to oversleep and I was rushing to get Ella to school for the end of reading. The house is a mess, I am stuffing my face because otherwise I will probably vomit. I am also holding Sadie, making Ella's breakfast, Sadie's breakfast and Ella's lunch. And I am a sad, pathetic pregnant single mom. In effort to poor milk into a cereal bowl, I completely miss and poor it over the counter. Of course I didn't cry about it! I showed it to Ella, we laughed and I wiped it up with a sponge.

Jump to an hour later when Sadie and I got back from dropping Ella at school. I'm rushing again because Ella forgot her backpack, so I need to get it to her within 45 minutes when lunch starts. This time Sadie's crying because she wants milk, but my hands are free. I poured Sadie's full bottle of soy milk and heated it for 35 seconds in the microwave. Then I transferred it to the counter to screw on the nipple. Instead of placing it on the counter, I poured it all over the counter. This was about 5 times the amount of milk than last time so I screamed, "FUCK". Sadie laughed.

I totally understand why one would cry over spilt Milk. It took 6-7 sponge wipes. Since we are not a paper towel family, the alternative would be a towel that would sit and rot with nasty, spoiled milk until I washed it. Doing a whole load of laundry just because I spilled milk? Definitely worth crying over.

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