Saturday, April 7, 2007

I Hope I Had the Flu

I was out of commission for 2 days. I never threw up, but I was sick. I have been nauseous for a week-but not like this. I could hardly stand because my stomach hurt so much. I called in sick on Thursday night and they were NOT happy. If I had gone it, I would have had to come home. Poor Mike made a dinner that, even through my nausea, I could tell smelled delicious. and shrimp are not a good mix with a queasy, preggo girl. I was SO lucky that on Friday Sadie was scheduled for daycare, so I was able to just chill. Plus I vacuumed and mopped which I have been wanting to do for a week. I stocked up on sour patch kids which are supposed to curb morning sickness. They passed the first test in Walgreens. I walked down the tobacco aisle and got a big whiff of all the cigars and had to run for the door. I still never vomited, but I sure thought I was going to. I popped a sour patch kid and went back in. Coincidence? Perhaps.

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