Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My Baby Has a Heartbeat

I saw it with my own 2 eyes! The heartrate is 112, which apparently is normal. It's funny how you can look at a black and white blob on a monitor and think it is cute. And I feel like it is a girl. However, that is not some motherly instict hunch-it is just because whenever I am pregnant it is a girl. We'll see in about 14 weeks from now. OB estimates me to be ~6 weeks (what I thought). We're supposed to do another ultrasound in 3 weeks from now to get a more accurate due date and follow up.

I can't help but think what would be different if I had just waited until I was 10 weeks to have my first prenatal visit. Many OB's (any my birth center) won't even see you until then. Know what would be different? Nothing. I would still be 6 weeks pregnant with a cute little heartbeat inside of me. I would have cried less, worries less and smiled more. Oh well, I wanted the ultrasounds. It's very hard to say no to all of the technology available to us.

Sadie's still sickies. Her fever broke, but she was up all night and now has it coming out both ends. I feel her pain looking in her little droopy eyes. And Mike does too, I can tell. It's sweet.

I actually got a nice person on the phone from the health insurance company. I resubmitted my request to use a birth center since there are none in my network. Yeah, I thought I couldn't submit another request. Well, Christy, who had just gone back to work 8 weeks after the birth of her Isiah let me! Thank you Christy. This time I was smart and had her include FL Statute 627.6406 in my request.

"627.6406 Maternity care.--
(1) Any policy of health insurance that provides coverage for maternity care must also cover the services of certified nurse-midwives and midwives licensed pursuant to chapter 467, and the services of birth centers licensed under ss. 383.30-383.335. "

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