Monday, March 19, 2007

Ultrasound Today

I wish this blog had emoticons. According to my calculations I am 5 weeks, 6 days pregnant. That means we will most likely see a heartbeat! I will be overwhelmed with joy and excitement even if we only see a fetal pole. However, the thought of laying in stirrups with the same doctor who told me of my "empty uterus" less than 2 weeks ago makes me a little nervous. I am also relieved and comforted because Mike will be there with me to see whatever there is to see.

In other news, Sadie has her first pukeys. Poor baby. I never thought I would be sad to see her NOT protest a diaper change. Her temperature is 100.1 and she just LOOKS sick.

We have both been through 2 outfits already. She is such a good sport though. Hopefully she'll wake up from her nap cured.

In typical Ella fashion she is so excited to be back at school after a week vacation. It would be nice if Mike and I could figure out how she became so smart and why she loves to learn so much. We must be doing something right, right?? I feel so badly that I won't be able to pick her up after school, but she would rather go to her friends. Sometimes she makes life so easy.

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