Sunday, March 18, 2007


My latest HCG level. 1 week prior it was 440. That's means I am pregnant! Until now I was afraid to acknowledge my pregnancy.

Here is why. March 2nd I took an HPT and got a very faint line. I took 4 more and each got a little bit darker.

March 7th I went straight from working a 12 hour night shift to the doctor to confirm the pregnancy. A trans vaginal ultrasound showed "an empty uterus". That meant that either I was VERY early in pregnancy or that I was going to miscarry. My doctor seemed to be focusing on the latter and told me not to travel to Chicago the for the weekend as planned. His exact comforting words, "Early and late pregnancy are when things happen." Thanks doc, I am going to go sit home and wait for my miscarriage that I have no symptoms or risk factors for. Lots of tears.

This is why I want to go to a birth center and not an OB. I'm still fighting with insurance on that one. They claim that the hospital in my network offers the same services. Uh, the hospital with an 80% induction rate and c-section rate not far behind?!? No thanks. Can someone tell all the OBs of the world that induction is contraindicated with macrosomia.

How am I feeling? Great. I worry sometimes about my lack of pregnancy symptoms. I have a bad taste in my mouth, occasional lightheadedness and mood swings. Yesterday at the gym I actually had to leave the treadmill because I started crying. I was thinking about how excited I am to be pregant and have another baby. Then my mind drifted to how I was JUST RECENTLY starting to feel like my own person after Sadie's birth. I was going to start rowing, or play in a basketball league, or run a 10K. Now I am inevitably going to get bigger and slower and in worse shape. Then I had to pee, so I cried in the stall for a few minutes. Frequent urination-another symptom.

I got home to my happy family, took a nap in the sun and awoke with a whole new extremely positive outlook.

1 comment:

Mike Johnson said...

That is so sad to hear about you crying on the treadmill! You may want to stay off that thing. ;-)